Thursday, January 22, 2009

Man shaves eyebrows for charity

A man in Indiana with bushy eyebrows raised sixteen hundred dollars for charity by having his eyebrows shaved off.

Burgher's eyebrows were so long he used to brush them before leaving the house. But he agreed to have the overgrown brows tamed last week by members of the Bloomfield Rotary Club to raise money for a polio eradication campaign.

Burgher barely winced as his wife, Amy, got the first whack at the overgrown hairs.

"I don't care if they ever grow back," he told The Herald-Times of Bloomington. "My wife says I look 20 years younger."

Lawyers, bankers and others put up $100 each for their turn to snip away at Burgher's eyebrows, with the money going to Rotary International's PolioPlus, which has raised $500 million for polio eradication in the developing world since 1985.

The campaign started with his friends wondering how they could get him to shave his bushy brows.

I think he looks better without them.

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